Hello, and welcome to my blog! If you have not done so yet, I encourage you to read my about page to learn a little bit more about who I am as a person.

In this post, I will be going over some house-keeping content. If we were to pretend that my blog is a class, you could consider this post to be its syllabus: this covers the general topics I try to cover, how I structure different material, what assumptions I make about the reader, etc.


Ideally, I would like to do series of posts that cover related topics. There are a number that I am currently entertaining (some of which I have already decided to do), including:

  • Cryptography primer
    • Cover math concepts used in cryptography
    • Cover how these concepts are actually used
    • Implementing the math / cryptography concepts discussed
  • Creating and operating a k3s cluster
    • How to bootstrap a cluster
    • Setting up cluster storage
    • Monitoring with kube-prometheus-stack
    • Deploying applications
    • GitOps
  • Containers and You
    • Creating containers to use for development
    • Production containers & a minimized setup
    • Security concepts in container technology
    • Emerging / existing container technology
  • Bootstrapping a Rust-based web service

If you are interested in my writing any other series in specific, I highly encourage you to reach out! I would love to hear feedback (even if the feedback is negative), and would like to make content that is interesting to read. If you think I can cover anything in specific, or if you like my style of writing and want me to answer specific questions you may have, I would be glad to do so!

I will also try to do one-offs that I think are interesting or relevant to current events; for instance, if any big attacks are made public or if there is relevant policy I’ve heard about that touches on my topics of interest.

Finally, I will be trying to provide project writeups when I make new open-source projects that give a more narrative description of why the project was made, how it was made, what decisions went into it and why. I hope in doing so I can add a bit of clarity and context about my work.

Frequency & Structure

In general, I am hoping to make approximately 1-2 posts a week. Sometimes this might increase or decrease depending on additional circumstances: if an important new vulnerability is discovered, I might make an additional post even if I’ve already made 2, or if I am on vacation I might skip a week. I will try to post on the news if I know that will happen ahead of time.

For post series, I will be releasing a first post that goes over the preliminaries of the series, including what I expect a reader to know ahead of time, what format the posts will have, and other specifics that can change series-by-series.

For project writeups, I will be assuming a passing familiarity with the tools used, and will link to existing documentation for any dependencies and specifics that I use or encounter.

Finally, for one-offs and current events, I will try to have a preface section with an overview of everything you need to know and links to appropriate resources for more information.


If ever you find material in my posts that is incorrect, or there is a better way (i.e. a best practice I am not following), I highly encourage you to reach out by email to let me know.