Since I first started my website years ago, I’ve been using Bluehost as my hosting provider and Wordpress as the engine. Starting now, I have moved all of that away to my github, and I genuinely could not be more excited! Bluehost was a fine provider, but Wordpress just isn’t what I needed.

I’ve been complaining for years that all I really want in a website/blog is something that would let me manage my content as markdown files and that is relatively lightweight. I was already looking into how I could back up all of my posts to a git repository, so this move seems quite natural.

I found the al-folio Jekyll theme and that seems to fit nicely with my style and interests. I will possibly be making small changes as time goes on so this site fits my own style a little better, but overall I quite like it.

Another fun addition is that I am now able to have a easy repositories page to link my main Github projects here. I want to eventually enable a page on this site so I can have a bit better of a description for each of my key project, but that is a down-the-line plan.

Finally, I can also now post announcements, like this one! New features, hurray!