Natalia Maximo

Software Engineer 1 @ Microsoft.
Prospective Master's Student @ University of Ottawa


I am a software engineer and future academic in Ottawa, Ontario. I am hoping to use this blog to create tutorials, project write-ups, educational material, and opinion pieces about technology, security, math, computer science (in general), and software design. With anything I do, I will attempt to display and follow best-practices and use approachable language whenever possible. For more information on the kinds of content I am hoping to publish, check the welcome post.

My professional interests include software architecture, kubernetes, platform engineering, site reliability engineering, and performance analysis. I am incredibly passionate about developing highly scalable and aggressively performant systems, as well as developing tools to assist developers in creating, operating, and maintaining systems.

My academic interests include application security, cryptography, group theory, and distributed computing. I am the first graduate of the Graduate Microprogram in Cybersecurity at the University of Ottawa, where I hope to return for a full Master’s program in September 2022.

I am an advocate for using Rust as a programming language due to its security and high performance. Many of my posts will involve Rust projects, tutorials, etc, and I hope to enable more resources for other developers learning how to use the language in their day-to-day.

Personally, I am an avid puzzler, a casual gamer, and a budding crafter. I love language learning and speak fluent Portuguese and English, conversational Spanish, intermediate French and I am actively learning Italian.

Feel free to reach out on LinkedIn (with a message) or by email- both should be available with the icons below.


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